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Power Amplifier
Power Sequencer
Guitar Amplifiers
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In-Ear Monitor System
Karaoke System
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/ Brands
C5X 24
Digilive 16
A5 Wireless Voice Amplifier
S5 Wireless Voice Amplifier
S2 Wireless Voice Amplifier
S21 Wired Voice Amplifier
DM 481 8-Channel Rack Mountable Mixer
DM 434 4-Zone Mixer
DMP 81 Digital Auto Mixer
DMP 801 Auto Mixer
DMP 808 Digital Matrix Processor and Auto Mixer
DMP 8800 Digital Matrix Processor
DMA 8413 Digital Matrix Amplifier
DMA 8813 Digital Matrix Amplifier
DMA 8425 Digital Matrix Amplifier
NT 1304 Network DSP Amplifier
DMA 8825 Digital Matrix Amplifier
NT 1308 Network DSP Amplifier
NT 2504 Network DSP Amplifier
RM 2VR Wall-Mount Remote Level Control
DT 44 Dante Networking Option
DT 88 Dante Networking Option
NT 2508 Network DSP Amplifier
RM 4 Wall-Mount Remote Preset Recall
RM 6E Wall-Mount Programmable Remote Control
GA335 3-Channel Commercial 35 Watt Mixer/Amplifier
GA460 4-Channel Commercial 60 Watt Mixer/Amplifier
GA6240 6-Channel Commercial 240 Watt Mixer/Amplifier
GA6120 6-Channel Commercial 120 Watt Mixer/Amplifier
GA5100 5-Channel Commercial 100 Watt Mixer/Amplifier
SR 703 Power Amplifier
SR 707 Power Amplifier
PM 04 4-Zone Paging Microphone
S2 Wireless Voice Amplifier
S21 Wired Voice Amplifier
Formula 248 Audio Mixer
Formula 182E Audio Mixer
AX 800 Power Amplifier
AX 1200 Power Amplifier
AX 2000 Power Amplifier
AX 3000 Power Amplifier
SYM18000 Power Amplifier
SYM12000 Power Amplifier
HP 600 Power Amplifier
HP 400 Power Amplifier
DMM 8008 8 input x 8 output Digital Matrix Mixer
DLM 26 Digital Loudspeaker Management Processor
SP 28 Signal Audio Selector
J 5A Processed Active Speaker
Shadow 112CT Outdoor Passive Speaker With 100V Line Transformer
Shadow 108CT Outdoor Passive Speaker With 100V Line Transformer
J 8A Processed Active Speaker
J 12A Processed Active Speaker
Shadow 105T Outdoor Passive Speaker With 100V Line Transformer
XLITE 115A Processed Active Speaker
XLITE 112A Processed Active Speaker
XLITE 110A Processed Active Speaker
XLITE 115 Passive Reinforcement Speaker
XLITE 112 Passive Reinforcement Speaker
XLITE 110 Passive Reinforcement Speaker
J 15A Processed Active Speaker
XLITE 10A Processed Active Speaker
J 5 Passive Speaker
XLITE 12A Processed Active Speaker
J 8 Passive Speaker
XLITE 15A Processed Active Speaker
XPRO 115A Processed Active Speaker
XPRO 112A Processed Active Speaker
XPRO 110A Processed Active Speaker
J 12 Passive Speaker
J 15 Passive Speaker
XPRO 15 Passive Reinforcement Speaker
XPRO 15A Processed Active Speaker
XPRO 112MA Processed Active Monitor
XSUB 118SA Processed Active Subwoofer
Evo2MaxX 2 Passive Speaker
XSUB 18SA Processed Active Subwoofer
Evo2MaxX 4 Passive Speaker
IW 200 TCP Surface Mount Ceiling Speaker
Evo2MaxX 6 Passive Speaker
PROJECT 315 Wall-mount Speaker With 100V Line Transformer
Evo2MaxX 2a Processed Active Speaker
Evo2MaxX 4a Processed Active Speaker
Evo2MaxX 6a Processed Active Speaker
Evo2MaxX 9Sa Processed Active Subwoofer
SUBLine 18S Passive Subwoofer
SUBLine 118SA Processed Active Subwoofer
SUBLine 218SA Processed Active Subwoofer
HiMaxx 40A Processed Active Speaker
HiMaxx 60A Processed Active Speaker
HiMaxx 40 Passive Speaker
HiMaxx 60 Passive Speaker
Hi Maxx 100SA Processed Active Subwoofer
ProMaxx 110A Processed Active Speaker
ProMaxx 112A Processed Active Speaker
ProMaxx 114A Processed Active Speaker
ProMaxx 10 Passive Speaker
ProMaxx 12 Passive Speaker
ProMaxx 14 Passive Speaker
ProMaxx 15SA Processed Active Subwoofer
StageMaxX 12Ma Processed Active Stage Monitor
Verve 215A Processed Active Speaker
Verve 152A Processed Active Speaker
Verve 15A Processed Active Speaker
Verve 12A Processed Active Speaker
Verve 15MA Processed Active Stage Monitor
Verve 12MA Processed Active Stage Monitor
Verve 8MA Processed Active Stage Monitor
Verve 115MA Processed Active Stage Monitor
Verve 15SA Processed Active Subwoofer
Verve 12M Passive Stage Monitor
Verve15M Passive Stage Monitor
Verve 152 Passive Speaker
Verve 15 Passive Speaker
Verve 12 Passive Speaker
Ventis 108
Verve 10 Passive Speaker
Ventis 110
Verve 112 Passive Speaker
Ventis 112
Verve 115 Passive Speaker
Ventis 112M
Verve 8M Passive Stage Monitor
Verve 18S Passive Subwoofer
Verve 15S Passive Subwoofer
Mitus 212FSA Processed Flyable Active Subwoofer
Mitus 206LA Active Precision Coverage Line Array Speaker
Mitus 118SA Processed Active Subwoofer
Mitus 121SA Processed Active Subwoofer
Mitus 210MA Processed Active Stage Monitor
Mitus 112A Processed Active Speaker
Mitus 115A Processed Active Speaker
Mitus 152A Processed Active Speaker
Mitus 218SA Processed Active Subwoofer
Mitus 212FS Flyable Passive Subwoofer
Mitus 206L Precision Coverage Line Array Speaker
Mitus 118S Passive Subwoofer
Mitus 210M Passive Stage Monitor
Mitus 121S Passive Subwoofer
Mitus 112 Passive Speaker
Mitus 115 Passive Speaker
Mitus 152 Passive Speaker
Mitus 215 Passive Speaker
Mitus 218S Passive Subwoofer
MUSE 118 FSA /FSCA Processed Cardioid-Flyable Active Subwoofer
MUSE 210LA Precision Coverage Active Line Array Speaker
CLA 604A Column Active Line Array Speaker
CLA 406A Column Active Line Array Speaker
CLA 118SA Processed Active Subwoofer
CLA 208SA Processed Active Subwoofer
Shadow 142L Outdoor Passive Line Array Speaker
VERTUS CS 1000 Full Range Compact Line Array
Shadow 112HC Outdoor Horn Loaded Passive Speaker
CLA 604 Column Passive Line Array Speaker
Shadow 114S Outdoor Passive Subwoofer
XPRO 12 Passive Reinforcement Speaker
XPRO 12A Processed Active Speaker
CSL 630 TIC Ceiling Speaker With Backcan
CSL 840 TIC Ceiling Speaker With Backcan
PROJECT 530 Wall-mount Speaker With 100V Line Transformer
PROJECT 640 Wall-mount Speaker With 100V Line Transformer
ATT 0501 / SUB 1000 Recessed Attenuator With Box
PV 6BT Audio Mixer With Bluetooth
PV 10AT Audio Mixer With Bluetooth & Auto-Tune®
PV 10BT Audio Mixer With Bluetooth
PV 14BT Audio Mixer With Bluetooth
PV 20USB Audio Mixer With USB
FX2 16 Audio Mixer
FX2 24 Audio Mixer
FX2 32 Audio Mixer
XR-S Powered Mixer With Bluetooth & USB
Impulse® 1012
XR-AT Powered Mixer With Auto-Tune, Bluetooth & USB
Impulse® 100
Peavey PV®-MSP1 1/4 Microphone With Mic Stand
Impulse® 6T
Peavey PVX™ 15 Passive Speaker
Peavey PVX™ 12 Passive Speaker
Peavey PV® 118 Passive Subwoofer
PV®i 100 ¼ Dynamic Cardioid Microphone
PV®i 2 ¼ — Cardioid Unidirectional Dynamic Vocal Microphone
PVM 480 Super-cardioid Microphone
PM 18S Podium Microphone
IPR2 2000 Power Amplifier
IPR2 3000 Power Amplifier
IPR2 5000 Power Amplifier
IPR2 7500 Power Amplifier
IPR2 2000 DSP Power Amplifier
IPR2 3000 DSP Power Amplifier
IPR2 5000 DSP Power Amplifier
IPR2 7500 DSP Power Amplifier
VSX 26 Audio Processor & Loudspeaker Management
VSX 48E Audio Processor & Loudspeaker Management
PV® 231EQ Equalizer
QF 131™ Equalizer
Solo® Portable Speaker
6505® Piranha Head
6505 Micro 1×8 Cabinet
Classic® 30 112 All-Tube Guitar Amplifier
Classic® 50 410 All-Tube Guitar Amplifier
Ecoustic® E20 Guitar Amplifier
Ecoustic® E208 Guitar Amplifier
Ecoustic® E110 Guitar Amplifier
Bandit® 112 Transtube Guitar Amplifier
KB® 3 Keyboard Amplifier
KB® 4 Keyboard Amplifier
KB® 5 Keyboard Amplifier
MAX® 115 Transtube Bass Combo Amplifier
MAX® 112 Transtube Bass Combo Amplifier
MAX® 110 Transtube Bass Combo Amplifier
MAX® 158 Transtube Combo Bass Amplifier
MAX® 126 Transtube Combo Bass Amplifier
MF 1000 AM & FM Tuner
MF 2000 Digital USB & SD Card Recorder
MF 5000BT Anti Shock CD / USB & SD Card Reader / Tuner & Bluetooth Player
MF 5000 Anti Shock CD / USB & SD Card Reader / AM & FM Tuner
MF 6000 Digital USB & SD Card Recorder with Anti Shock CD Player
MF 9000 Anti Shock CD/DVD Player with Monitor Screen & Key Control / USB & SD Card Reader
MIB 20 Conference System Expansion Kit
MIB 700 Conference System Control Unit
MIB 800 Conference System Control Unit with Digital Recorder
MB 50 Conference System Delegate Unit
MB 60 Conference System Chairman Unit
TA 80PA Powered Mixer 80W
PS 268B Power Sequencer
TA 120PA Powered Mixer 120W
TA 120PS Powered Mixer 120W with 5 zone selector
TA 120CD Powered Mixer 120W with CD Player+ USB input
TA 120TN Powered Mixer 120W with FM/AM Tuner
TA 120CS Powered Mixer 120W with CD Player + USB input and 5 Zone selector
TA 120TS Powered Mixer 120W with FM/AM Tuner and 5 Zone selector
TA 120CT Powered Mixer 120W with CD Player + FM/AM Tuner
TA 200PA Powered Mixer 200W
TA 200PS Powered Mixer 200W with 5 Zone selector
TA 200CD Powered Mixer 200W with CD Player + USB input
TA 200TN Powered Mixer 200W with FM/AM Tuner
TA 200CS Powered Mixer 200W with CD Player + USB input and 5 zone selector
TA 200TS Powered Mixer 200W with FM/AM Tuner and 5 zone selector
TACH TA 200CT Powered Mixer 200W with CD Player + USB input and Tuner
TA 40PA Powered Mixer 40W
PA 250A 240W PA Amplifier
PA 336A 360W PA Amplifier
PA 500A 500W PA Amplifier
RM 112A Audio Converter for PA Amplifier
MU 255A 10-Input Professional Audio Mixer
CM 168 PA Chime Microphone
SS 168B 12-region Speaker Loop Selector
MP 308A Audio Monitor for PA Amplifiers
PS 306A Power Distributor for PA Amplifiers
TA 600 Teaching Active Speaker + Input Control Panel
TC 77 15W, 100Voltline Volume Control Panel with Box
VT 12 12W, 100 Voltline Volume Control Panel with Box
VT 30 30W, 100 Voltline Volume Control Panel with Box
VT 60 60W, 100 Voltline Volume Control Panel with Box
WT-3000 Professional UHF Walkie Talkie
TC 661TS Ceiling Speaker
TC 881TS Ceiling Speaker
TC 882TS Two-Way Ceiling Speaker
TC 882TW Two-Way Ceiling Speaker
TH 861TS Wall-mount Speaker
TH 861TW Wall-mount Speaker
TH 861S Wall-mount Speaker
TM 20 20W Megaphone
TM 35 35W Megaphone
TM 40 40W Megaphone
RX 5502 FM/AM Stereo Receiver
ST 100 Professional Studio Microphone
ST101 + ST102 Professional Studio Microphone
ST 106 Professional Studio Microphone
STM 9 Professional Studio Microphone
VPH 500 Professional Shotgun Microphone
AVL 1300 Professional Stage Microphone
AVL 1900 Professional Stage Microphone
AVL 2600 Stage/Speech Microphone
AVL 900 Professional Supercardiod Dynamic Microphone
PL 12 Gooseneck Condenser Microphone
PL 13 Gooseneck Condenser Microphone
TCM 130 Lavalier Microphone
TCM 160 Lavalier Microphone
PA 33 High Sensitivity Conference Microphone
PA 34 High Sensitivity Conference Microphone
PA 702 Slim Boom Microphone
PA 333D Dynamic Desktop Microphone
PA 101 Dynamic Desktop Microphone
PHM 916 Professional Installed Microphone
PHM 915 Professional Installed Microphone
AVL 606
AVL 630
6003/04 Microphone Holder
6304M12 Telescopic Microphone Table Stand
6304B1 Microphone Floor Stand With Boom
MTG-100T/MTG-100Ta Tour Guide / Interpretation System
MA 909 Audio Mixer
MD-101 Bodypack Transmitter Holder
AD 12 Antenna Divider / Combiner
AD 707 UHF Antenna Divider
AD 707A UHF Wide-Band Antenna Divider
AD 708 Wideband Auto Gain-Control Antenna Divider
AD 808 UHF Active Antenna Combiner
AD 90A UHF Wideband High Power Amplifier
AD 90S UHF 4-Channel Wideband Power Splitter
MP 10 Booster Relay Power Supply
MPB 20 Antenna Booster with Built-in Power Supply
AT 70B UHF Antenna Booster
AT 10 Whip Antenna
AT 20 Coaxial Antenna
AT 70 UHF Extension Antenna Kit
AT 70W UHF Wide-Band Transmitting & Receiving Omni-directional Antenna
AT 90W Wideband Transmitting & Receiving Log Antenna
AT 100 Wideband Polarized Antenna
MTM 90 UHF wireless Interlinking Transmitter for MA 708/MA 808
MT 91 UHF Wireless Interlinking Transmitter for MA 505
MRM 70 UHF Receiver Module For MA708/MA808
MRM 70B UHF Receiver Module For MA505
MRM 72 UHF Receiver Module for MA 708/ MA 808
SC 10 Carry Bag For MA 101 / MA101ACT/ MA 100
SC 30 Carry Bag For MA 303
SC 50 Carry Bag For MA 505/ MA 705
SC 70 Carry Bag For MA 707
SC 75 Carry Bag For MA 708
SC 80 Carry Bag For MA 808
MB 10 Rechargeable Lithium Battery for MA 100 / MA 303
MB 25 Rechargeable Lithium Battery For MA-202
MB 35 Rechargeable Lithium Battery For MA-505
MB 30 Rechargeable Battery For MA 101
MB 70 Rechargeable Battery For MA 707 & MA708
MP 10S Power Supply For MA 101
ASP 10 Pouch For Body-pack Transmitter
ASP 30 Pouch For Body-pack Transmitter
MA100C/MM107 Portable PA With Wired Microphone
MA101C/MM107 Portable PA with Wired Microphone
MA303C/MM107 Portable PA with Wired Microphone
MA101Personal Wireless Portable PA
MA 101ACT Wall-Mount Wireless Classroom PA System
MA 200D Dual-channel Personal Wireless Portable PA
MA 200 Single-channel Personal Wireless Portable PA
MA100d Personal WIreless Portable PA
MA100 Single-channel Compact Personal Wireless Megaphone
MA100DB Personal Wireless Portable PA with Bluetooth & USB
MA303su Wireless Portable PA with USB
MA303d Wireless Portable PA
MA303SB Wireless Portable PA with Bluetooth and USB
MA 300D Dual-channel Miniature Portable PA
MA505 Bluetooth Wireless Portable PA
MA705 Wireless Portable PA
MA 929 Professional Flagship Portable Wireless PA System
MA 828 Flagship Portable Wireless PA System
MA 727 Portable Wireless PA System
MA 707 Wireless Portable PA
MA 708 Bluetooth Wireless Portable PA
MA 808 Bluetooth Wireless Portable PA
MM 107 -Dynamic Microphone
MM 707B-Battery Power Condenser Microphone
MM 707P-Phantom Power Condenser Microphone
MM 89- True Condenser Vocal Microphone
MR 515 VHF Half-U Wireless Microphone System
MR 811 UHF Half-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
MR 812 UHF Half-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT-2401 Fixed Antenna Single-Channel Digital Receiver
MR 818 UHF Half-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT-2402 Fixed Antenna Dual-Channel Digital Receiver
ACT-2412A Detachable Antenna Dual-Channel Digital Receiver
MR 823 UHF One-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT-2414A Detachable Antenna Quad-Channel Digital Receiver
ACT 818 Digital Wideband Half-U Wireless Microphone System
ACT 828 Digital Wideband One-U Wireless Microphone System
ACT 848 Digital Wideband One-U Wireless Microphone System
ACT 71 UHF Wideband Half-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 72 UHF Wideband One-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 74 UHF Wideband One-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 717 UHF Half-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 727 UHF One-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 747 UHF One-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 525 Dual-Channel 1U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 545 Quad-Channel 1U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 515 Single-Channel 1/2U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 515B Single-Channel Half-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 51 UHF Half-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 52 UHF Half-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 323 UHF 1U Dual Channel True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 313 UHF Half-U True Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 311B UHF Half-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 311 UHF Half-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 312 UHF 1/2U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT 312B UHF Half-U Diversity Wireless Microphone System
ACT-24HC Rechargeable Handheld Transmitter
ACT 80HC Rechargeable Digital Wideband Wireless Microphone
ACT 80H Digital Wideband Wireless Microphone
ACT8H Digital Wireless Microphone
ACT 70H Wideband Wireless Microphone
ACT 7H Wireless Microphone
ACT 52H Wireless Handheld Microphone
ACT 500H Wireless Handheld Microphone
ACT 50H Wireless Microphone
ACT 30H Wireless Microphone
MH 80 UHF Wireless Microphone
TA 80 Digital Wireless Plug-on Transmitter
MT 101ACT Wireless Microphone for MA-101ACT
ACT-24TC Rechargeable Bodypack Transmitter
ACT 80TC Rechargeable Digital Wideband Wireless Transmitter
ACT 80T Digital Wideband Wireless Transmitter
ACT8T Digital Wireless Transmitter
ACT 70T Wideband Wireless Transmitter
ACT 7T Wireless Transmitter
ACT 52T Wireless Transmitter
ACT 500T Wireless Transmitter
ACT 50T Wireless Transmitter
ACT 30T Wireless Transmitter
ACT 20T Ultra Miniature Wireless Transmitter
BC 100T– UHF Wireless Conference Microphone Base
BC 100–Wireless Boundary Microphone
MT 103 VHF Wireless Transmitter
ACT-80 Digital Wireless ENG Receiver
ACT-80R Digital Wireless ENG Receiver
MR 90 UHF True Diversity Wireless ENG System
MT 801 UHF Wireless Transmitter
MU 53L Uni-directional Lavalier Microphone
MU 53LS Uni-directional Lavalier Microphone
MU 55L Omni-directional Lavalier Microphone
MR-58DC Cajon Set
MR-58VD Double Bass Set
MR-58VC Cello Set
MR-58VL Violin / Viola Set
MR-58SB Baritone Saxophone Set
MR-58ST Tenor Saxophone Set
MR-58SA Alto Saxophone Set
MR-58UC Ukulele Set
MR-58GA Acoustic Guitar Set
MR-58SS Soprano Saxophone Set
MR-58GE Electric Guitar / Electric Bass Set
SM 10 Saxophone Microphone Set
VM 10 Violin Microphone Set
MU 55LS Omni-directional Lavalier Microphone
MM 202 Uni-directional Gooseneck Microphone (470mm)
MM 202C Uni-directional Gooseneck Microphone (600mm)
MM 202B Uni-directional Gooseneck Microphone (370mm)
MM 202A Uni-directional Gooseneck Microphone (130mm)
MU 53HN Uni-directional Headworn Microphone
MU 55HN Omni-directional Headworn Microphone
MU 23 Omni-Directional Dual-sided Headworn Microphone
MU 13 Omni-directional Single-sided Headworn Microphone
MU 210 Uni-directional Dual-sided Headworn Microphone
MS 50 Desktop Microphone Stand
MS 80 Microphone Tripod Stand
MD 20 Microphone Holder
MS 30 Speaker Stand
MS 70 Speaker Stand
MJ 53–Condenser Microphone Adaptor
FB 10 Rack Mount Kit
FB 30 Front Antenna Rack Mount Kit
FB 70 Front-to-Rear Antenna Kit
FB 71 — Rack Mount Kit
FB 72 Rack Mount Kit
FBC 71 Rack Mount Kit
MU 40G Instrument Cable
MJ 70 Remote Mute Switch
ASP 10 Neoprene Sports Pouch
ASP 30 Neoprene Sports Pouch
RH 87 Multi-Coloured Rings
MI-909 Digital Wireless In-Ear Monitor System
MI-808 Professional In-Ear Monitor System
KM-800 Digital Echo/Reverb Karaoke Amplifier
KS-10 MKII Karaoke Speaker
CS 8 Two-way Ceiling Speaker
K-3008B Wall Mount Bracket
K-3006LB Ceiling Mount Bracket
MTG-100R/MTG-100Ra Tour Guide/Interpretation System Receiver
MTS-100T Tour Guide/Interpretation System Rack-mountable Transmitter
MTG-100-C4 Tour Guide/Interpretation System charger-cum-carry case.
MTG-100C-12 Tour Guide/Interpretation System charger-cum-carry case.
MTG-100C-28 — Tour Guide/Interpretation System charger-cum-carry case.